Saturday, March 14, 2009

Again, been WAY too long...

As in, months...

I really want to get started with this blog again. I found that it really helped me to keep my thoughts and emotions in check while I was trying to conceive and during the first few weeks of my I'm going to re-commit myself to posting!

So...what's been happening with me since November? A lot, so I'll just talk about what I found the most exciting - the ultrasounds! Here goes...

We've had TWO more ultrasounds. The "BIG" ultrasound at 18.5 weeks was great, but it wasn't QUITE as good as it could have been. Meaning that our little angel was not as co-operative as she could have been! We were not able to find out the sex for sure, but the u/s tech was pretty well convinced that it's a girl. More importantly, though, the baby would not turn enough for the u/s tech to see some vital organs: part of her heart, one of her kidneys, and the base of the spine. As a result, my wonderful OBGYN scheduled a follow-up ultrasound for week 26 to make sure that everything was still looking good. the 26-week ultrasound, baby was better behaved :) The tech got a perfect look at those areas (Heart? Check. Kidneys? Check. Spine? Oh yes, Check. Little girlie bits? BIG check.) It definitely put my mind at ease to once again see that everything is going well. The baby even waved at us!!!! Or at least that's what it looked like she was going...

I'll finish off for tonight...before I start stressing, once-again, about how close I am to nearing the end of my pregnancy, and how we haven't even started the nursery yet...ooops...


1 comment:

Shanny said...

So glad to know you and your baby are doing great! I can't believe you are already so close to meeting her, so exciting!!!!